Interface Information

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTrackedHypothesis, HypothesisRanking, HypothesisSet, NoMappingPossibleHypothesis, PossibleDuplicateMappingsHypothesis

public interface Information

An interface encapsulating any information that can be used to assess the quality of an ontology mapping. Objects of this class should be registered with an InformationTracker, so that whenever information is added or updated the new data can be pushed to objects that may be interested in knowing about it. For an example of this, see the OntologyMappingHypothesis subsystem - whenever a hypothesis is accepted or rejected, this information is pushed to the scoring system which may use this information to automatically accept or reject other hypotheses, or generate new ones.

Tony Burdett

Method Summary
 void changed()
          Called whenever this information object is updated, this calls back to the mediator governing this information object and updates all dependent information artifacts.

Method Detail


void changed()
Called whenever this information object is updated, this calls back to the mediator governing this information object and updates all dependent information artifacts.

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