Interface OntologyRankingService

public interface OntologyRankingService

A service interface that can be used to rank ontologies in preference order.

Tony Burdett

Method Summary
 void addAlias(java.lang.String ontologyName, java.lang.String alias)
          Adds an alias to the given ontology name.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getAliases(java.lang.String ontologyName)
          Gets a collection of the aliases assigned to a named ontology.
 void rankOntologies(java.util.List<java.lang.String> ontologyNames)
          Ranks ontologies, by name, in preference order.
 void removeAlias(java.lang.String ontologyName, java.lang.String alias)
          Removes the association between a given alias and the ontology named.

Method Detail


void rankOntologies(java.util.List<java.lang.String> ontologyNames)
Ranks ontologies, by name, in preference order. The name specified here is the name ZOOMA uses internally, and can be set to point to several aliases.

ontologyNames - a list of ontology names, sorted by preference order


void addAlias(java.lang.String ontologyName,
              java.lang.String alias)
Adds an alias to the given ontology name. Effectively, this simply acts as a key-value pair, where the values are references to ontologies by their name as specified in other services.

ontologyName - the ZOOMA-assigned name for an ontology
alias - the alias assigned to this ontology in a remote resource


void removeAlias(java.lang.String ontologyName,
                 java.lang.String alias)
Removes the association between a given alias and the ontology named.

ontologyName - the ZOOMA-assigned name for an ontology
alias - the alias being removed


java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getAliases(java.lang.String ontologyName)
Gets a collection of the aliases assigned to a named ontology.

ontologyName - the name of the ontology we want aliases for
a collection of assigned aliases

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