ZOOMA can be run from the command line, using the "zooma" command. ZOOMA itself takes a single "mode" parameter, and each mode of operation is free to define the parameters they take. Command line help is available...
>: zooma -h usage: zooma -h,--help Print the help -l,--list List all modes currently configured for ZOOMA -text Run zooma in text mode For mode specific help, run zooma with a mode option and -mh specified
By default, only "text" mode is available - this mode takes a single text value or a file containing a series of values, and evaluates mappings against either Bioportal and OLS resources, or a supplied ontology. You can see mode-specific help by running a mode with the -mh option:
>: zooma -text -mh usage: zooma -text [-a | -s] [-d <arg>] [-mh] [-o <arg>] [-v <arg>] -a,--all Maps supplied values against terms from a wide variety of ontologies -d,--report-directory <arg> The directory in which reports will be written -mh,--mode-help Print the help for the text mode -o,--ontology <arg> The name of the ontology (from the config file) to map against -s,--single Maps supplied values to a single named ontology (identified in the config file) -v,--values <arg> Path to a file containing the values to map
Within a given mode, there are operations that can be supplied (in the above example, -a and -s). Each operation then has a series of required arguments you may need to supply.
Generally, all the options will be described on the command line by running with the -mh argument.
In this example, I created a file called input.txt which contained one value "thymus". Then I might want to do:
>: zooma -text -s -o efo -v input.txt Reasoning over http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/efo.owl... Classifying 2925 elements Classifying: 100% complete in 00:00:13 Classifying finished in 00:00:13 Checked 1/1 property values. Estimated time remaining : 0 s.
... and my mappings were written to a report in my current working directory. This report looked like:
Application Name: ZOOMA (Automatic Ontology Mapper) Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT Run at: 15:57.00, 06.07.10 Run from: /home/tburdett/zooma Exit code: 0 TEXT VALUE ONTOLOGY TERM LABEL(S) MAPPING TYPE ONTOLOGY TERM(S) ONTOLOGY(S) thymus thymus,Thymus gland Automatic EFO_0000860 http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/efo.owl